Are Grinds available in stores?


Yes! We have launched in many stores in the United States. We are working hard to expand distribution and doing everything possible to make the product available in a store near you! Feel free to check out our Find a Store page by clicking here:

If you do not find a convenient location you can always order directly from us on our website or call us at (510) 763-1088 and we can take care of you.

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    Clayton Hanzlik

    What stores sell them and what state states?

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    Justin Bautista

    The only place I've seen them so far was at a 7/11 in San Jose on the corner of 11th and San Carlos

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    Nik Kulesh

    Any available in Sacramento area?

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    Jeremy Lovett

    When I try to locate a store it seems to show me all of the 7-11 stores around me but I can't find it in amyy of them. Glitch in the system?

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    Grinds Coffee Pouches

    Hi there! Sorry for the delayed response. If your question wasn't answered in the above response you can email us at and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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    Steven ramsey

    They in ant gas station stores or walmart or Meijer

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    Steven ramsey

    They in ant gas station stores or walmart or Meijer

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    Jerry Niswonger

    63901 Popular bluff Mo

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